Lauren Feury » P.E. Expectations

P.E. Expectations

Shoes, shoes, shoes:
Let's talk shoes!  On your child's scheduled P.E. day, we request that your child wear gym shoes/sneakers.  This is not only for active participation, but for their overall safety.  Shoes should be athletic in nature, with a rubber/non-slip bottom. In order to make sure all children are able to perform skills and activities designed for optimal movement, sneakers are a must!  This is for all students pre K - 5th grade.  
Shoes that are NOT safe:
Crocs, open toe shoes (ex. sandals), flip flops, slides, loafers (or slip on shoes, even if they have a rubber bottom, they must be secure on the foot), boots, of any nature, or dress shoes. If you have any questions about whether your child's shoes are appropriate, don't hesitate to contact me: [email protected]
Children are required to participate every time they visit us in P.E.  If your child is unable to participate on their scheduled P.E. day, we need a note from the parent stating the reason for non-participation.  A note will be accepted from a parent, doctor, or Nurse Keri.  
Each child is required to act in accordance with the SyCamore Elementary ROAR Expectations.  Please see the student handbook on conduct.  Additionally, students are expected to show good sportsmanship, as well as be encouraging while participating.